Privacy Policy

Discover how we protect your personal data and respect your privacy. Learn about our privacy practices and your rights as a user in our Privacy Policy.

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Information about the Privacy Policy

Additional Information on Data Protection

Here you'll find what is and isn't done with your personal data on this website.

This policy outlines how the personal information of all individuals interacting with Unas Holding Empresarial through this website will be treated and protected. Please read all sections of the Legal Notice, the cookie policy, and this privacy policy before using this website.

In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (GDPR) and Organic Law 3/2018 of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights, Unas Holding Empresarial SL informs you that, by accepting this Privacy Policy, you provide your express, informed, free, and unequivocal consent for the Data you provide, and on which security measures are applied, to be processed by Unas Holding Empresarial SL, as the data controller.

Who is responsible for this website?

  • Identity of the Controller: Unas Holding Empresarial SL
  • Trade name: Unas Holding
  • VAT/CIF: B76240480
  • Address: Agustin Bethencourt No. 5, L-2, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Postal Code 35004).
  • Email: info(AT)
  • Activity: Retail trade of various products by mail or over the internet.
  • Contact details of the controller or representative, and of the data protection officer where applicable: Víctor Alov Zhalnin, C/ Alt de Gironela No. 11, 5-A, 08017 Barcelona, Email address info(AT), Phone +34 828 128 755.

What personal data is collected on this website?

For the purposes established in this Privacy Policy, Unas Holding collects and processes the Personal Data detailed below, depending on the different products or services requested on this Website:

Identification data: name, surname.

Contact details: postal address, email address, mobile phone number.

Contractual data: data on contractual transactions, ID card number, products and services purchased, financial transactions, payment data.

Navigation data: IP address, type and identification of device, type of browser, domain through which you access the Website, browsing data, activity on the Website.

On what legal basis are these data processed?

We process your personal data on the following legal bases:

  • Execution of a contract with Unas Holding Empresarial SL, for the contracting of services, posting ads, and managing requested services.
  • User consent regarding contact, subscription to content, and sending commercial communications via email, cookies, or messaging systems.
  • Legitimate interest of the data controller to protect users of Shop Unas Holding from abuse and fraud in the use of our services.

For what purposes will we process your data?

On this website, there are different forms, and each one will use the collected information as follows:

Content subscription forms: there are several forms to activate subscription. The provided data will be used exclusively to send the Newsletter and keep you updated on news and occasional offers, exclusive to subscribers.

Comment forms: Personal data entered in the comment form will be used exclusively to moderate and publish them.

Contact form: There is also a contact form for inquiries, suggestions, or professional contact. In this case, the email address will be used to respond to them and send the information requested by the user through the website.

Registration form: In this case, we request the following personal data: Name, Email, so you can create an account in our system and access its functionalities.

Sale form: We also process data to manage the purchase of products offered on, including order management, payment, and all operations related to the contracting of the chosen service or product. This includes sending follow-up emails, responses, invoices, receipts, etc.

Affiliate registration form: We request affiliate data, including payment data, to manage affiliate registration and settle the corresponding commissions.

Download Systems: On this website, different contents can be downloaded periodically in text, video, and audio formats. In this case, an email address is required to activate the subscription form. Your information will be used for the purposes indicated for subscribers.c

Retention period of personal data

Customer Data: The retention period of personal data will vary depending on the service that the Customer contracts. In any case, it will be kept to the minimum necessary, and may be maintained until:

  • 4 years: Law on Infringements and Sanctions in the Social Order (obligations regarding affiliation, registration, deregistration, contribution, payment of salaries…); Arts. 66 et seq. General Tax Law (accounting books…).
  • 5 years: Art. 1964 of the Civil Code (personal actions without special term).
  • 6 years: Art. 30 of the Commercial Code (accounting books, invoices…).
  • 10 years: Art. 25 of the Law on the Prevention of Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism.
  • Subscriber data: From the moment the user subscribes until they unsubscribe.

Potential customer data: the data will be kept throughout the duration of the established commercial relationship and, once concluded, for two years, unless the user requests their deletion before.

What are your rights regarding the use of your data?

Any person has the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not Unas Holding is processing personal data concerning them.

Interested parties have the right to:

  • Request access to personal data concerning the data subject.
  • Request rectification or deletion of data.
  • Request cancellation.
  • Request limitation of processing.
  • Oppose the processing.
  • Request data portability.

If you have given your consent for a specific purpose, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent prior to its withdrawal.

If you feel that your rights regarding the protection of your personal data have been violated, especially if you have not obtained satisfaction in the exercise of your rights, you can file a complaint with the competent Data Protection Authority through its website:

To exercise these rights, you can write to: info(AT)

There is a form for exercising your rights, which you can request by email, or if you prefer, you can use those provided by the Spanish Data Protection Agency or third parties.

These forms must be signed electronically or accompanied by a photocopy of your ID.

If you are represented by someone else, you must attach a copy of their ID, or it must be signed with their electronic signature.

The forms can be submitted in person, sent by post, or by email to the address of the controller shown at the beginning of this text.

Remarketing Actions: Google Ads

Ads is a Google platform for ADVERTISERS who want to advertise on GOOGLE. Google Ads, Google's advertising platform, is used on, which allows creating campaigns and ads to display them on other websites. When generating an ad, the audience can be segmented by:

  • Location
  • Demographics (age, gender, etc.)
  • Interests (activities, hobbies, etc.)
  • Online and offline purchasing behavior.
  • Etc.

The data obtained through Google Ads is subject to this privacy policy from the moment the user leaves their data on the form of this website to join the subscription newsletter. Under no circumstances will the information from Google be used for a different purpose.

Security Notification and Breach Declaration

Security notification and breach declaration

At Unas Holding Empresarial SL, we assume appropriate security measures according to the level of risk to protect personal information against loss, misuse, and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction, taking into account the risks involved in processing and the nature of personal information; however, if Unas Holding Empresarial SL determines that your service data has been misappropriated (including by an Unas Holding Empresarial SL employee being exposed due to a security breach or acquired incorrectly by a third party), Unas Holding Empresarial SL will immediately inform you of such security breach, misappropriation, or improper acquisition.

To which recipients will your data be communicated?

Many tools used on this website to manage data are contracted by third parties. To provide strictly necessary services for the development of the activity, Unas Holding Empresarial SL shares data with the following providers under their corresponding privacy conditions:

External service providers (for example, payment processing services, order processing, analysis, management of marketing campaigns, website management, and email distribution, and other similar service providers) so that they can perform commercial functions on behalf of Unas Holding Empresarial SL.

The web development and maintenance company or the hosting company may occasionally have access to this website. They have signed a service provision contract that requires them to maintain the same level of privacy as applied to the processing carried out on this website.

Any international transfer of data resulting from the use of tools or service providers will adhere to the Privacy Shield agreement, which guarantees that American software companies comply with European data protection policies on privacy, confidentiality, and data security.

This website specifically uses the following tools:

  • Email marketing tool: MAIL JET
  • Analytics tools: GOOGLE ANALYTICS
  • Online chat tool: CHAT BASE


This website offers sponsored content, advertisements, and/or affiliate links to the User.

Among the links you may find, there is the possibility of providing information and referring to products and/or services and/or infoproducts from third parties. The information in these affiliate links or the inserted advertisements is provided by the advertisers themselves, so is not responsible in any case for inaccuracies or errors that the advertisements may contain, nor can it offer guarantees regarding the experience, integrity, or responsibility of advertisers, or the quality of their products and/or services, although products or services that and its team have tested will always be recommended.

In addition, the ads will remain published on the portal until they are deleted or suspended by the advertiser or, which is not responsible for the fact that, once they have been deregistered from their databases, the ads continue to be indexed in search engines outside this portal.

Every user must understand that any contractual or non-contractual relationship between the User and advertisers, affiliates, or third parties contacted through this website, are understood to be made solely and exclusively between the user and the advertiser and/or third person only acts as a conduit or advertising medium and, therefore, has no responsibility for damages or losses of any nature caused as a result of their negotiations, conversations, and/or contractual or non-contractual relationships with advertisers or third parties, whether individuals or legal entities, contacted through this website.

Data Confidentiality and Security commits to using and processing the user's personal data, respecting their confidentiality, according to the purpose of the data; as well as fulfilling its obligation to keep them and adapting all measures to prevent alteration, loss, or unauthorized access, in accordance with the current data protection regulations.

This website includes an SSL certificate. This is a security protocol that ensures that your data travels in an integral and secure manner; that is, the transmission of data between a server and the web user, and in feedback, is fully encrypted or encrypted. cannot guarantee the absolute invulnerability of the Internet network, nor, therefore, the violation of data through fraudulent accesses by third parties.

Regarding the confidentiality of processing, Unas Holding Empresarial SL will ensure that anyone authorized by Unas Holding Empresarial SL to process customer data (including its personnel, collaborators, and service providers) will be under the appropriate obligation of confidentiality (whether a contractual or legal duty).

When a security incident occurs, upon becoming aware of it, Unas Holding Empresarial SL must notify the Customer without undue delay and must provide timely information related to the Security Incident as it is known, or when the customer reasonably requests it.

Accuracy and Truthfulness of Data

As a user, you are solely responsible for the accuracy and correctness of the data you submit to, releasing Unas Holding Empresarial SL from any responsibility in this regard. Users guarantee and respond, in any case, to the accuracy, validity, and authenticity of the personal data provided, and undertake to keep them duly updated. The user agrees to provide complete and correct information in the contact or subscription form.


The consent given, both for the processing and for the transfer of the interested party's data, is revocable at any time by communicating it to Unas Holding Empresarial SL, in the terms established in this Policy for the exercise of ARCO rights. This revocation will not have retroactive effects under any circumstances.

Changes in the Privacy Policy

Unas Holding Empresarial SL reserves the right to modify this policy to adapt it to legislative or jurisprudential developments, as well as to industry practices. In such cases, the changes introduced will be announced on this page with reasonable notice before implementation.